Next Level Service
A vin verification is required for different reasons. The most common are because the vehicle has fallen off the system or is an out of state vehicle. We have a vin verifier on site to help you. We also offer mobile vin verifications if that is more convenient for you.
The VIN verification is a physical inspection where we are verifying the Vehicle Identification Number on your vehicle matches the one on the documents being used to register your vehicle with the California DMV, and that the vehicle has a U.S. Federal Certification Label that matches the VIN. We also verify whether the emissions label on the vehicle complies with California emission standards.
If your vehicle is a motorcycle we will need to verify that the engine number matches the one on your ownership documents. You should locate the engine number and make sure that it matches your ownership documents before having the motorcycle verified by a licensed vehicle verifier as it can be hidden from view sometimes, and parts might have to be taken off to have access to it.
There are certain circumstances that require only CHP or DMV to do your vin verification. Here are those circumstances:
•If you vehicle is a salvage revival or junked.
•Is a used motorcycle with unavailable records or from a foreign country. Motorcycles with replaced engines. •Incomplete or disassembled vehicles.
•Vehicles model year 1970 or newer which do not have a U.S Federal Certification Label.
•Vehicles with damaged, illegible, altered or missing US Federal Certification Labels.
•Vehicles with damaged, tampered with, illegible, incomplete, altered or erased VIN numbers.​
•Vehicles with documents from a foreign country.
•Specially constructed vehicles or kit-cars (SPCNS).